Are you app happy? Do you have a large number of apps locked and loaded?
I’m not app happy…there are gaps between my apps. I own an iPad and a Droid, but I’ve only downloaded a relatively few apps, especially considering how many are offered.
I do possess the APPtitude for downloading apps, but not ample interest. So far I’ve only downloaded Stargazer and the Food Network…but I am thinking of APPlying more apps to my devices.
There are so many to choose from…where do you start? There’s probably an app for helping you decide what apps to download. I’m sure by now there’s a Tiger Blood App. Duh. And there’s probably an app for identifying lame blogs. (Note to self: make sure this blog isn’t listed.)
There is one app that has grabbed my attention….the “Confession: A Roman Catholic App.” Absolution for a mere price of $1.99. YES…THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT.
The app is just perfect for Catholics-on-the-go. A Mobile Confession for the “let’s hurry up and get it over” Catholics. Holy App Batman.
Okay, it really isn’t designed to replace going to confession, but to act as an aid in your examination of conscience. You still have to go to a priest for absolution. (Hey, you can’t take away all the priests’ fun.)
Many Catholics do NOT enjoy going to confession…and laying their sins right out there for the priest to laugh at. (jk) I confess, I haven’t been in a while. Or years. But this new confession app just might do the trick as well as a MADAM in sin city. It could get more Catholics thinking about the act of confession. And that’s a first step.
I wonder how it works?
Maybe the app categorizes and keeps track of the number of times you committed the 7 deadly sins: gluttony, greed, lust, envy, sloth, pride, anger...AND the 2 recently added sins: living-in-sin and ugly-as-sin.
I’ll download it and report back to you about my new app. I swear, I will.
OML. Oh My Lord…I just saw online that the confession app is now ON SALE. It has been marked down for Lent. Get OUT!
I am all over this. I can never resist a sale….no matter what I have to do or who I have to kill, to get it.
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