Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Totality of the Eclipse

 Maybe you were in the path of totality..

lucky enough to see the Total Eclipse of the Sun.  

(Cue the song, "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Heart.) 

I was totally not in the path of totality,

 in was totally cloudy.  

So I was totally bummed.

I was even prepared with viewing glasses 

given to me by a nice woman in line at Walgreens.

The sky did get darker, 

but it was already on the dark side to begin with.

So instead, I had to experience it through

social media posts and 

news coverage.

 I heard about the awe, wonder and pure magic of it all;

how people were emotional

and some brought to tears. 

Many felt it was a unifying connection to nature and 

to each other;

a shared experience of the same thing 

at the same time.

Some thought of those who had passed 


some were reminded of the first moon landing.

Even though I was physically 

removed from the experience, 

I was emotionally locked in…

experiencing it through their accounts.


For me, the power of the solar eclipse

 was that it got us to look up…

LOOK UP from our phones. 


And that isn’t easy to do.  

For a few minutes…

we looked to the sky, 

away from our distractions on earth…

and acknowledged a higher power above.

The immensity of the celestial event 

emphasized our smallness.

 It was a reminder of 

our shared humanity and 

our connection 

to something bigger than ourselves.

Whether it was with 

a scientific eye 

or a

religious heart…

we looked up. ↑

With our faces turned toward 

the sky 

and the heavens…


with anticipation.  

And we were….




one Sun 


one God.