Friday, May 28, 2021

Serving Sizes Out of Hand


What's the deal 

with serving sizes that are smaller than 

one human 

would consume in

one sitting?   

You’ve seen them…a bag of Doritos….

11 servings???

Not in this house.

The other day 

I bought  a box of 

Haagan-Dazs ice cream bars.

The serving size was listed at 1 bar  

which is reasonable...

at least it wasn’t half a bar.

But the best is…

 Haagan-Dazs also showed the "nutrition" 

 for all 3 bars….

which was speaking to me.

They made 3 bars a viable option.  

I gotta send Haagan-Dazs a little love here...

"Dear Haagan-Dazs,

Over the years,

I must admit I've been a loyal Ben and Jerry's fan...

especially being from the great state of Vermont

and loving cows and all...


those days are 

no moo.

Now its’ you.  Only you.  


You had me at 3 bars." 



"They" say 

your hand is a good measuring device for serving size. 

I know first hand, this is not the case because 

not all hands are created equal.  

My hand is on the small serving size, 

especially compared to PaulA’s.

Other than it being handy...

I can't get behind

 using my hand to measure 

serving sizes...

I prefer my face.

A cookie as big as my face.

This is a serving size 

I can get behind.