Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More or Less

PaulA and I have been empty-nesters for 3 months now. And I have adjusted to my empty nest…my new way of life…more or less.

I can fly the coup at a moment’s notice and take-off to parts unknown. My open schedule allows me to tag along with PaulA on some business trips. And most importantly, I don’t worry if the house will be still standing when we come back…

I can decide last minute “What’s for dinner?” I might make dinner-in, suggest dinner-out, take dinner out, or burn dinner and throw it out.

I don’t worry about where the kids are or what time the kids are getting in. For some reason, those thoughts go away…even when they are in a major city walking around …and god knows where they go and what time they are going. For some reason…the old saying, “Out of sight…out of mind” rings true. They could be walking down the street at 2am eating a slice of pizza and get punched in the head by a random thug. (Heads up, Colinboy)

And there is a lot less involved. Less shopping…less groceries, less laundry, less electric bill, less cleaning…less shampoo.

But with less…comes more.

More time to think about how quickly time has passed.

More time to go through photo albums and look at their precious faces as they smiled for the camera.

More days to miss the sounds of the house…the special hum…the music, the voices, the laughter.

More time to walk into their rooms and look at everything left in the exact same places…waiting.

More time to remember them interacting with each other, enjoying each other’s company, and sharing secrets.

More time to remember our talks…of school, of friends, of relationships, of fears and hopes and dreams.

More time to sit and ponder my new role.

More time to blog…about precious memories of precious years gone by.

More or less…I am doing fine.


Anonymous said...

mom this made me cry! i love you and miss you!!! the house will be full next week, along with dad's family too, so there will be plenty of music, voices, and laughter :) love you

big C said...

I would have cried too if I wasn’t at work! I love this and again the picture is great! I love you so much!!!

Laura MD Langevin said...

Perhaps you could just reach into my chest and TEAR my heart out? I know I'm a sap but YIKES!!! Sounds like you'll have a full house next week. :) I wish you and your family a great holiday season, filled with the love that is clearly obvious from your blogs. Hugs, Laura

Sistersledge said...

What angels! I hear ya sister! It can't be easy. I was just lamenting the fact that my daughter is in the 3rd grade already.