Friday, November 20, 2009

Audience Required

There are times when we need people watching us…an audience…in order to perform to our max ability. Whether it’s the fear of making a fool of ourselves or looking less than competent…there’s a fine line between motivation and humiliation which makes us perform above status quo.

At the gym, you will go the extra mile, the extra speed, or lift the extra pounds…because people are around. But if you were at home on your tread, in your basement…all alone…you don’t push as hard. You think…heck, I’ve run far enough. No one is looking….I’ll just stop here. Tomorrow I’ll go further. After all, a half a mile is…HALF of ONE mile. A workout performance without an audience…leads to a Kat who dogs it.

Of course, there are times when an audience is not so good. Like when you trip over something….or stumble for no apparent reason other than being klutzy. Sometimes the person who sees you understands this…and looks away. (Thank you, kind stranger.) A burp that slips out never needs an audience.

Yep, there are times when an audience is required…especially for a band. The band feeds off the crowd's energy, applause, and vibe …so they pull off a great performance. A performance without an audience…leads to missed notes, missed keys, and missed words.

And take this blog. This blogger needs an audience… because if no one is reading this it really a blog? I say no. It’s a damn diary.

“Dear Diary: Today I slept, I ate, I napped.” Blogging without an audience…leads to the truth…and who is interested in that? Holla.


Big C said...

"This blogger needs an audience… because if no one is reading this it really a blog? I say no. It’s a damn diary."

I laughed out loud!

big C said...

this is so true by the way....