Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It is tattoo season. The time of year when the weather is warm. People are wearing less…and showing more…thus exposing all those nasty tattoos.

To put it nicely, I am just not a fan of tattoos. To put it harshly, I DESPISE them. I don’t understand how someone would think it was a good idea to stick a needle in their arm and chance getting hepatitis, infection, or an allergic reaction just to have your significant’s name carved into you…when they will probably be insignificant within a year. Or to burn some Chinese characters into you...symbols that you are told mean “house of happiness", but really mean “house of ill-repute.” But hey, call me crazyKat…maybe I just don’t get it.

Colinboy talks about wanting a tattoo…not a good idea son. Someday that tattoo will be drooping or hanging…not something that you want exposed to the public. I have told him, if you must do something…get a piercing instead…something that can grow over or close up. Not something that is so permanent that you have it forever…until you are toes up.

Once I was walking through a mall behind a woman who was wearing a shirt that was open in the back so her tattoo was totally exposed. It was a picture of the NYC skyline and a plane hitting the twin towers…with fire and smoke billowing. It was so scary. It didn’t seem fair that we all had to look at it…when she never had to see it…unless she stood in a 3-way mirror at Macys. If she really wanted one, then why didn’t she put it where she could see it!!! Could you please cover up for J.Q. Public.

So if you have to get a tattoo, please put it in a place where no one ever sees it….maybe a place where the sun doesn’t shine …and I don’t mean Alaska. I’m talking on your bottom...or the bottom of your foot.

And someday, when you are toes up….you can show it off.

1 comment:

Laura MD Langevin said...

When my mother died last year, 11 of her family members got the same tattoo -- a pretty design, not really tribal, but similar. Mine is on my wrist and I love it. I want to see it and I want the world to see it. I don't need a tattoo to think of my mother but knowing my family has it too is kind of special. Not all tattoos are disgusting -- but to each his own.