Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Jayne

Today is my sister, Jayne’s birthday…that’s Jane with a Y…Jayne!! Jayne heard the call of the wild to move West…so Wild Jayne and Carl moved to Arizona. I don’t get to see her as much as I would like…so thank Dell for my computer.

Our family nickname for Jayne is Jaynie bug. Trust me, she didn’t get that name cuz she looked like a cricket or a cockroach. No way, she was way too cute. She got it because she swallowed a lady bug. As kids do…she tried to kiss one and it crawled down her throat. Just a little family lore.

And I mentioned how cute she was…the cutest little girl with black hair, bangs, big dark brown eyes and big smile. Jayne has the distinction of attending college when she was only five. Granted, she is way smart, but this was a preschool called Kiddie College. My dad still talks about it…you would have thought that would have run its course by now. My dad is still relying on his old material.

Jayne and I shared a room growing up. Jaynie bug was a good roommate…only squabbles were the “Who said” kind: “Who said…you could wear my favorite shirt? Who said…you could take my record? Who said…you were the boss? But, Who said…sisters couldn’t have a couple of “Who saids?" and not be good friends and loving sisters.

Back in high school, I used to call Jayne by her Spanish name, Juanita…because she was learning Spanish… and I was practically a Spanaird with two years of high school Spanish under my poncho. Juanita, pass los huevos, por favor. Carlota, tu eres muy fea. Yep, Juanita and Carlota…a couple of senoritas gone loco.

Jayne is very mechanical…probably because she studied Mechanical Engineering in college. She can draw up detailed plans and figure out anything. She works for a company in Phoenix that designs and builds themed environments, exhibitions, restaurants, and she even worked on the last super bowl…not to be confused with the last supper. If you watched the half-time show this year…you would have seen her work. She is a very exact person…hanging a picture is a science project. She’s figured out all the heights and distances from the ceiling, ground, and the equator…exact perfection. She’s not about to hit and miss…and put 3 holes in the wall…like yours truly.

Jayne can be very frugal…not wasteful. She is very good for the environment. She might be prudent, and thrifty when it comes to her budget…but when it comes to her heart…she’s generous, giving, warm, over-flowing. She is the sweetest, kindest, caring person to her family and friends…and especially her nieces and nephew.

This year Jayne will be visiting us on her 49th and holding birthday. Who said….49 is getting old??

Happy Birthday Juanita,
I love you,
your seester Carlota.

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