Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Return of Thelma And Louise

Thelma and Louise are back. I would advise a college road trip for any parent who wants to spend some quality time with their son or daughter. You could be Thelma and Louise or Batman and Robin or even Abbott and Costello. But whatever you call yourselves, the best thing is……there is no way your child can escape you…unless they can jump out of a speeding car going 65 mph. Bri and I proved to be quite compatible on the road…that’s probably because Brianna is very easy going and knows how to humor me.

We saw a lot of schools which are now all jumbled in our heads…we saw large schools, small schools, fat schools and skinny schools. We saw catholic schools, party schools, city schools and burb schools. It was a nice cross-section of schools. Just never found a medium-sized city/burb party catholic school on a diet.

One thing I will not miss about the trip is not knowing where the heck I was going. Every highway, every exit, every turn…was all new to me. Do I make a left, should I make a right, where do we stay, where do we eat, where are the lights for the bathroom, how do I set the alarm, where can we get breakfast, where’s my toothbrush…..whoops, left that back in East Boken…on and on. We somehow ended up finding every school and most of the time it was on pure dumb luck. We found places using u-turns, k-turns, and turn-abouts. I have to say that I am officially the Queen of the U-turn…But we did it. Thelma and Louise never looked so good...and we didn’t drive off a cliff…although we drove off a few curbs.

It was a fact finding mission about different types of schools and I think we learned a lot. One fact that I knew before we took the trip…my Sweet Wish is going away to college in a short time…and I am going to really miss her.

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