Colinboy and his dog.
The last time Colinboy came home…Duncandog went ape. He was wild with excitement to see his brother. It’s nice when the brothers can see each other every now and then. They have a lot in common…frisbee…naps…long hair.
When Duncandog sees this Katdog…he rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh. Ho Hum. The last time Duncandog was ape excited to see me was when I came home with a bag of dog food…after not feeding him for a few days. (JK...bad joke…I would never Mick Vick my dog. It was only one day.)
Duncandog is such a lucky dog to have Colin for a brother. The first thing Colinboy does when he’s sees Duncandog is remove his collar. (So does his sister, Big C).
And Colin’s last visit home was no exception. So I called him on it.
“Hey, Colinboy what’s with taking Duncandog’s collar off?”
His reply, “Mom how would you like to wear a collar all the time.”
I said, “No problem. I’ll show you.”
What’s the big darn dealio?
With Duncandog’s collar fastened around my neck, I continued with my daily routine. I laid down on the rug by the kitchen sink for a little nap. I love the forced hot air gently blowing on me during the winter. But I couldn’t sleep…the feel of the collar kept waking me.
So I decided to play with my favorite toy for awhile. I was having a great time throwing it up in the air and barking at it…but then I became overly sweaty…very hot under the collar.
I trotted over to my bowl to get a drink, but the Big” D” initial that hangs down from my collar kept getting in my way as I tried to drink. (For some reason Kat thinks the “D” is funny? Cute? WTH?)
This Katdog had had enough. The damn collar was driving me mad. I wanted it off…and I wanted it off immediately.
Only problem…I couldn’t get the thing off by myself…the clasp was jammed. I rolled around on the floor in frustration.
I needed Colinboy.
I found him and ran to him wagging my tail….."Please. Please. Get this thing off.”
“Ahhh…Thank you Colinboy. Get back over here…so I can lick your face.”
This is a riot! You're too funny!!!
excuse me, I am dunks BFF!!! he told me so
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