Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blogus Interruptus

If you’ve read my blog with any regularity, you may have noticed that recently I have come down with a condition. The condition is an interruption in blogging…otherwise known as blogus interruptus…a failure to be regular.

There will be times this summer when my blogs will be irregular and lacking. Don’t worry they won’t be lacking…in uncanny wit and imagination (yep)…and they won’t be lacking in pro’s prose…AND they definitely won’t be lacking in dot dot dots…BUT they will lacking in numbers. The cause for this condition is due to the season…summertime.

“Summertime and the living is easy” ….sing with me. It’s the time to relax, sleep late, take walks on the beach, and take a serious series of katnaps…in the hammock, on the lawn, on the porch, on the beach. Anyway, all this activity might keep me away from habitual blogging…so I won’t be as regular.

Besides, I must admit the other reason for blogus interruptus is that when I’m away at the beach…my blog chair doesn’t feel the same. It doesn’t have the same comfy cozy fit with my butt…you know, the way an ole shoe fits your foot…all broken-in and soft like butta. My beach blog chair feels stiff and foreign…so it impedes the flow of creative thoughts. I’m basically like the Nile River which flows from south to north…my creative thoughts flow from my seat to my head.

The other MAJOR factor leading to blogus interrupus is simple: the sun is shining.

In order to get through this period of blogus interruptus, there will be times when I will feel compelled to post an old blog…a blog drudged up from the bowels of previous blog posts…and dusted off to look like new. And then there will be other days…when my blog will look like the usual…out to lunch.

Blogus Interruptus, however, is a temporary condition and will be reversed when summertime has ended.

I look forward to getting over my condition of bloggus interuptus soon…so you and I can become regular again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so funny. I hope you and your family are having a wonderful summer. Give everyone my love, LL