Friday, April 17, 2020

Quarantine Quandaries

I think a lot of people are learning things about themselves and
 each other while being cooped up.
Being alone/together 
is more than we are used to.
Self isolation has put us in a 
quarantine quandary.

PaulA and I are actually used to spending lots of time together.  
For over 10 years, he’s worked  from home
mainly leaving for business trips…
NYC, LA, Miami, New Orleans, Rome, Madrid
wicked hot spots
but that was 
BC…Before Covid.
Now we live in
AD...Always Detained.
just round trips 
around the kitchen center island for us.

So being at home with each other
through this stay-at-home era
isn't too much different for PaulA and I.

Or is it?

BC, PaulA and I might have missed a couple of meals
AD, we belly up to every meal...eating 3 squares... 
breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
The refrigerator light has never been on so often.
Refrig you later.
The good about preparing and eating 3 meals is it fills out our days.
The not-so-good is it fills out our jeans.

We are also looking for things to do...
so much so, that we are tripping over each other trying to do the daily tasks.

“Hey PaulA,  I was rinsing the dishes and loading the dishwasher, move over buster”
“ No Kat, I got this."  
"No PaulA, you got it l last night.  No fair. It’s my turn. Stop hogging all the jobs."

We are also keeping tabs on who is eating what.  
Tit for tat. This for Kat.
Who gets the last slice of Dave's Raisin Bread? 
Don’t eat the last egg, it’s needed in a recipe. 
Because we schedule food delivery every 2 weeks…
our meals are planned out.  
The  minute one of us takes an extra slice, helping or brownie...  
it is duly recognized and recorded.


We both are still taking power walks, 
but have now decided to go our own way. 

We leave the house at the same time 
catcha later Kat

 and get back to the house an hour later.
peace out PaulA

A walk...alone together.

If you look at the length of Paul’s legs 
you would understand why I might have trouble keeping his pace. 
Plus PaulA has a gizmo that registers healthy steps.  
In order for it to register a healthy pace,
I have to run.
A Kat running along side a Big Dog is a sight to see.

One evening after dinner, 
I suggested we take a casual walk together
not a power walk.  
So we walked an hour…up and down hills, around the hood.
At the end, PaulA checked his gizmo that he carries and
 it said he had ZERO healthy steps.  
dang, put that gizmo away, PaulA 
When he power walks by himself he usually has 8,500 healthy steps.  
Apparently strolling with me is like sitting on the couch with his feet up.

There are a couple of clear advantages of us walking alone…
and in our own direction.
First, PaulA gets a good workout...
Second, I get time to sneak home early….
re-rinse and reload the dishwasher…
and devour a brownie 
before he gets back.
It will be duly recognized and recorded.

What have you learned about each other?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am doing 5 miles in 90 minutes. All flat in a measured loop around the neighborhood. Likely not going to register me on the healthy step monitor. It is also after a buttered toasted bagel and medium coffee at Whole Donut!