Sunday, April 19, 2020

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Healy

Colin and Alexandra

The newest Mr. and Mrs. Healy's 
wedding day
was the
most perfect day with the

dearest of families, 

beautiful-est wedding party

finest of friends

proudest MOG 

coolest reception venue with the

funest and talented-est Nashville
Chris Weaver Band


goregeous-est couple.

Hang in there with extreme superlatives.
I can't help myself.

beyond-est thrilled 
to share the title 
“Mrs. Healy” 
with this beauty.

I remember a day when I was getting to know Alex.  
Colin was deciding on a new television for over his fireplace mantle 
and like every man on the planet…
it had to be the 
TV screen possible to fit the space.  

As Colin was measuring the space over the mantle
I noticed 
Alex with a pen and paper 
working on something that looked like a math problem... 
so I asked her what she was working on. 
“I’m using the Pythagorean theorem 
to figure out what diagonal size tv to buy.” 
I think I remember the pythagorean theorem.
At that moment, 
I remember thinking 
"wow, this girl...  
she’s got brains AND beauty."


a wedding date with lots of 2s 
is the perfect day for the 2 of them.
These newlyweds 
make the perfect duo
I can attest to the duet...
I've heard them sing karaoke at the famous
lively divey year-round
Santa’s Pub in Nashville.

Introduced as the duo, 
Alex and Bud...
they did Santa proud.

As a couple
Colin and Alex hit 
all the right notes.
May they continue to 
stay in tune, 
make beautiful music together
may they 
always live with a 
love song 
in their hearts.

There is a saying that goes….
the couple that prays together
stays together.

But there is also a saying..
the couple that bicep chugs together….

                                                             Stays together.

Cheers to 
the new
and way cooler

Mr. and Mrs. Healy

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