Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Blog Snack

I’ve been writing a a blog since 2007.
I used to write a blog 5 days a week….
like it was my j-o-b.  
blog slog blog slog blog
But that job paid n-o-t-h-i-n-g. 
So I wised up 
and wound down.

 I enjoy blogging for myself and whoever cares and dares to read it.
I certainly encourage readership..
preferably a readerSHIP that is sturdy, strong and won’t sink.
That kind of readerSHIP will always float my boat.

One thing I’ve noticed through my years of blogging is …
 people would rather look at a photo
than read words.
And not just any stock photo that I pull off the internet.
Maybe a photo of a dog?
People love pics of dogs…
but my Duncandog is in heaven now.  
So that just leaves this ol' alley Kat. 
Maybe a photo of me with bedhead?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…

so I guess another picture of a Kat with bedhead 
would be worth two thousand words.

Another old adage that could ring true... 
"less is more"
so ringing that bell...

less blog is more.
I need to give it a try.


A new food for thought is to
make my blog 
snack size.

People like snacks…
especially during this time of quarantine.
I know I would prefer a snack.
Many will indulge in something if it is bite-size.
PaulA is master of this...  
a sweet trick he learned from his mama.
He will  take a decadent donut and cut it into 7 bite size pieces…
then it magically disappears.

Why sit down to a blog plate 
full of 
 words and run-on sentences 
 resulting in endless paragraphs? 
So from now on...
no more 5 course blog meals
laden with extra gravitas gravy
 that drag on and on,  
weighing heavily.
 something light and easy to snack on...
preferably with
zero calories and no guilt.

My new blog promo...

Indulge in 

a healthy 
snackable blog...
lean and gluten-free.

Here’s hoping readers will eat it up.

 Snack On


Unknown said...

I often need a snippet of humor from a SNL clip or an audition video or two from a singer on Briain's Got Talent or the like to lift morale.

Unknown said...

Britain's ..