Usually new words and expressions start with the younger generation, then over time they make their way upstream...like salmon (which I should add....is especially tasty grilled with barbecue sauce.) Eventually they hit the mainstream population of the mommas, the papas, and the bubbas.
Back in the 60’s and 70’s...the hip generation was wearing bell bottoms, tie-dye, and platform shoes and saying things like “cool”, “groovy” “dig it” and “far-out.” They were also leery of old folks. Their motto was: “Don’t trust anyone over 30.” Thirty-somethings might just say trite comments like “Get a job.” (Wait...that eerily sounds like 2010.)
But as time went on...hip words made their way from the lips of beatniks to the lips of all micks, and worked their way into everyday conversations.
Before you knew it, your mom was standing in the kitchen saying: “I was having such a groovy day...and it was ruined when I burned the casserole I was planning for dinner. I was watching a far-out episode of the Monkees and lost track of time.” (Think Carol Brady catastrophe.)
But fast forward to 2010....and now we have new words...new technology...and a new world. A 2010 Carol Brady could be pictured as saying: “I was having an epic day, but it was freakin’ shit-canned when I burned the crap out of the casserole I was planning for dinner. I was watching an awesome episode of The Family Guy” that I downloaded off of iTunes onto my iPad and forgot what planet I lived on.”
So I got to thinking... Do once parents start using the same words...or join in on the fad...is it game over...time for the younger generation to move on?
I’m actually surprised that Facebook isn’t considered passé with kids…now that parents have Facebook pages. Does it make it uncool to have parents friending them? It’s one thing to associate with parents as parents...but now friends??
I live and breathe my computer…but I can’t bring myself to go on Facebook. The face part of Facebook doesn’t phase me...no problem...I can upload a picture of any great face. But I’m afraid I might ruin their cool scene.
Besides....who could be cooler than Carol Brady? Especially with that hairstyle.
1 comment:
hahah thanks for leaving facebook up to the kids! that's pretty far-out you cool Kat....
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