Friday, April 24, 2009

Writer's Block

What if I get writer’s block? (How is that, Kat…you’re a blogger?) Okay, What if I get blogger’s block? What if Kat comes up high and dry…got nothing….nada…zilch…a big fat zerO? That my friends, is a possibility. Today I’m at 365 blogs…a year of blogs. I might have gone to the blog well, one too many times. What if the blog well is drying up and becoming just a trickle of ideas?

What could I possibly do to help unblock the block….unstick the stick…juice the juices. Maybe run around the room, then stand on my head? That might get the creative energy flowing to the brain. But, I think I would probably just end up winded with a monster headache. Actually, I’ve tried it….so I know it doesn’t work.

What if I took a trip somewhere exotic…Bali, Tahiti, Yonkers…to experience new experiences …that would give me new material and insightful views. Yeah, that’s the ticket. But that’s the problem. No tickey…no go.

What if I ate some weird combination of food like tacos, garlic, and oysters and then went immediately to sleep? Maybe I would have some weird ass dreams that would provide me with some crazy material to write…get my thoughts running. But I have a feeling the only thing that would be running, would be me…to you know where.

What if I went to visit Colinboy or Big C …lived their wild and crazy life…maybe that would kick my imagination…kick it into overdrive? But then I’m afraid the only thing kicked….would be my ass….kicked out.

So I’ve exhausted all possibilities and probably exhausted my readers in the process. I just might be stuck in a moment and I can’t get out of it. (Borrowed that line from U2…didn’t steal it.)

That’s it! I’ll steal stories….I mean, borrow them. Blogger’s block over.

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