Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Drivers Testing Parents

One more kid to go. Somehow we get through teaching our kids to drive…but it is never easy. With the first…you don’t know what to expect. One day Chels and I were practice driving in a neighborhood, and pulled over to let a woman who was on our tail pass. She pulled up next to us and sarcastically said, “May I help you.” Chels was annoyed, and I thought “yea, you could help…want to trade places?!” Chels turned out to be a good driver… after taking out that mean ole telephone pole.

Colinboy was a natural…probably all that go-cart and golf-cart driving. Just hope he doesn’t do what comes naturally for teenage boys, the stuff that makes their car insurance so expensive. Going to school in a city, with no place for a car, sure helps on our sleeping at night.

As for Sweet Wish, she’s coming along. The third time around, I am very aware of the driving tendencies of new drivers. Those wide turns where I go ….whooooa…as she makes the turn and momentum takes us into the other lane. The mailboxes that seem to be inching closer and closer. But she really is coming along…Just because I might have touchy brakes, that make us stand on our heads when she stops, really isn’t her fault.

The Driver’s Education Course is worth every penny. You couldn’t get me in a car with a new driver, day after day…it requires good insurance and a special pact with god.

The car I wish the kids were still driving is the red one with the yellow top. You know the one. The Little Tikes hard plastic Cozy Coupe…the one that looks like the Fred Flintstone mobile. Okay, maybe not for age 16. But it is still fun to remember them driving it…and how far they have come.

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