Thursday, May 7, 2009

Twitter is for the Birds

The world is all a-twitter over Twitter, the new social networking site. Frankly, I think Twitter is for the birds. But apparently there are a lot of birds out there twittering their heart out.

The ultimate Twitterer is Ashton Kutcher…King of Twitter. He has the distinction of reaching a million followers before CNN…a major network. But then again Ashton is a major star. (I guess.) When Kutcher realized he and CNN were close in numbers of followers, he went on youtube to get people to follow him. His incentive? He made a pledge: If he reached a million followers before CNN…he would go to Atlanta, ding dong ditch Ted Turner’s house and post the video online.

Hello, is Ashton 10 years old? Ding dong ditch? What grown man poses that as a threat? (Obviously a very good looking movie star man, Kat.) Ashton should have made a better threat, one that would have had Ted Turner shakin' in his CNN: “Ted Turner, I’m gonna steal your girlfriend.”

I’m wondering if this whole twitter thing is just self indulgence; an ego building thing. I’m sure he’s loving the fact that he has over 1,000,000 people (minus Kat) following him. Kutcher even posted a picture of his wife, Demi Moore on Twitter. Actually the picture was of her butt as she was bending over. Maybe that’s a reason for someone to follow.

Frankly, I think Twitter is loosing its sticking power (Okay, you can laugh at me 6 months from now when everyone including John McCain is twittering.)…But I think people sign up and then don’t return. After a while even Demi Moore’s butt has to get boring.

But maybe I’m not as cool as Ashton…which is proven by the fact that I have 5 followers…instead of a million. At one time I was up to 6 followers, but I had to remove some strange bird…who is now tweeting up someone else’s beak.

I do check twitter once in a while…mainly to follow John Mayer (me and 900,000 other people.) Okay, I do have my faults. John twitters a lot; writing a stream of consciousness.

Maybe I will stay on twitter after all, that way I can keep tabs on what Colinboy is doing with the band Dear Havanah…and my peep, John…

You see how John and I are on a first name basis now? After all, I know John eats Life Cereal…how many other people know that?

Put that in your pipe and twitter it.

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