Monday, November 26, 2007

License To Eat

Thanksgiving is over…the stuffed turkey is off the menu and the stuffed KAT is off the couch. Holy Turkey did I eat a lot of food…After a while it was kind of crazy. Everything looked so good that I just had to eat it. I wouldn’t normally eat like it was my last meal ever, but it was like someone gave me a free pass…a license to eat.

License: fatKAT – Eyes: Brown, Appetite: Enormous. Legally entitled: to eat everything in sight. License expires: November 22, 2007 at midnight.

So from dawn until midnight…I had my way with the turkey and the turkey had its way with me…and I’m not talking dirty here. If anyone dared to question my ravenous appetite…I’d just flash them my license and say, “Listen Buster….read it and eat.”

So the fat lady has sung and it’s back to limited portions. Speaking of limited portions (nice transition, eh) my little niece, Liv, who was here for Thanksgiving asked me if she could have a calorie pack. Calorie pack, you ask dearie? I wasn’t at all sure what she was talking about…You mean I have calorie packs in my house? I thought I knew what was in my house, especially my kitchen. Then she pointed to the cupboard…and sure enough…there was a box of 100 calorie pack mini Oreos. Of course…I get it now…Calorie Packs… such a silly auntKat. It’s a darn good thing food at Thanksgiving wasn’t served in calorie packs. I would have had 10 calorie packs of Turkey, 15 calorie packs of mashed potatoes and 12 calorie packs of stuffing, 29 calorie packs of pumpkin pie and…

So from now on, it is limited calorie pack portions, at least until Christmas…at which time, I will be getting my license renewed.

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