Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere

"It's five o'clock somewhere." Who said that? Not me. That wasn’t Kat looking for libation at 5pm. I can wait until 5:15…unlike Linnyj. That’s Duncandog talking. Five o’clock is Duncandog’s chow time and he’s always ready with bells on.

So when the Big Hand strikes 5, I dish up a cup of dry dog food for the Duncandog. Whew…I wish making dinner was that difficult. Anyway, Duncandog chows his food in 90 seconds. He’s waited all day and woofs it down. the dog he is. You would think he would take a full 2 minutes and enjoy it a little more. Savor those hard pellets of dry dog food.

The question is: Are you like Duncandog and woof your food down? I’ve eaten with folks who eat their food as fast as Duncandog. And we’re not even talking fast food.

Maybe you take a long time to finish …linger over your meal….and draw it out. I remember when I was first out of college…a single lady living with 3 roommates. One of my roommates would make herself a nice dinner and sit down at the table…with a place setting, and napkin. She would sit with the most erect posture...elbows off the table and napkin in her lap. Like Emily Post Reincarnated was watching her. Anyway, about half way through her meal she would stop…put down her utensils….light a cigarette and enjoy a smoke. Smack dab in the middle of her dinner.

The first time I saw her do this, I thought she was done eating. But after she smoked the entire cigarette, she ate everything on her plate. I’ve heard of having a cig after dinner…but not a cig with dinner. Hmmm…maybe a Newport enhances the flavor of a pork chop. Mentholated Pork Chop…try that recipe Martha Stewart.

“They” say it is important to eat slowly for a number of reasons…it’s better for your digestive system, blah, blah…and you can feel when you are full, blah blah. I guess my roomy found her own way of slowing down the eating process. Chew, chew, chew...Puff, puff, puff…Chew, chew, chew.

Different strokes for different folks……..
……….or in her case, different smokes for different blokes.

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