Thursday, January 7, 2021

Sign My Yearbook

 Remember your high school yearbook? 

Before school let out for the summer, 

we would pass our yearbooks around so our friends could sign them... 

“Stay Sweet Always” 

"Never Change"

“Friends 4 ever.” 


(Have a good summer)

I found my high school yearbook 

after cleaning out our basement and 


"Don't give up the clarinet, 

there is always a little hope.

band girl encouragement?

"You're really a cute and sweet girl, 

a little short, 

so do a little growing this summer."


As for Jenny G. who wrote in the upper left corner: 

Friends 4 ever….

who are you again?

Remember the quotes 


underneath your Senior class picture? 

Colin had a friend who quoted him in his yearbook. 

No kidding. 

A Colin quote smack dab under Alex K’s senior photo read: 

“Keep it Fresh.”

Over the years we’ve heard many Colin lines, 

but we hadn’t considered any to live in infamy 

under a senior class photo. 

My Senior Photo

"Has anyone seen my glasses?"

I've certainly changed over the years, 

but I hope I've stayed sweet.


Superlatives in the yearbook were always fun.

Most Likely To....

Being new to town my sophomore year, 

this Kat crawled under the radar

so I didn't receive 

a superlative in high school.


I had received one 

it would have been:

  “most likely to 

be a blogger.”😀

Alas, I did get a superlative my freshman year in college 

from my Patterson dormmates…

 “Most likely to trip going up the stairs.”

These seniors....

most likely to...

                                      be loved by their mama.

As for the tradition of 

parents writing 

sweet and encouraging send-offs 

to their graduating high school seniors...


"follow your dreams"

"you will accomplish great things"

that was not done back in my day.

If it was, 

I'm pretty sure most parent send-offs would have read:

"get a job/college education 


find a place to live."

Love, mom and dad

I wonder how kids these days are signing yearbooks?

I'm guessing for 2020/2021 

there's a good chance it's:


Stay Covid Free Always