Monday, October 21, 2019

Peeved Off

We all have 
groans and
grumbles over
annoyances that
get our panties in a wad,
peeve us off

peeve our wadded panties.


Here are a few of mine...
but only a few. 
I don't want to go all negative Nancy on you.
(sorry if your name is Nancy.)


The fact that I know anything about 
Ariana Grande's love life.

A bad red wine stain on my rug.

A stain of bad red wine on my  rug.

A friend suggestion from Facebook of someone I don't know.

A friend suggestion by Facebook of someone I do know.

Having someone tailgate me while I’m going the speed limit.

Having to tailgate someone going the speed limit.

Realizing I have 11 seasons of episodes to get current 
with Grey's Anatomy...a mere 99 shows.

Finding my DVR at 95% usage with recurring saved shows of 
Big Brother, The Bachelor, and Bachelor in Paradise.

Having to watch Peaky Blinders in subtitles 
to understand their Birmingham (not talking Alabama)

A cell phone battery that doesn't charge.

Getting charged for a new cell phone battery.

Being 6 quarters away from Free Shipping.

When a very Tall person arrives late at a movie theatre
and sits directly in front of me.

When someone's phone rings during mass.

When the Priest's phone rings during mass.
(seriously happened)

Unhelpful customer service people who ask me
“Is there anything else I can help you with?

Receiving a butt call.

Sending a butt call.

 Any glitch with my 
cell phone, laptop and Kuerig.

Married women in boyfriend jeans.😉

Boyfriends in married women jeans.

Needing readers to read my laptop screen.

Needing readers to read anything.

Referring to yourself in the third person...
like Elmo.
(Uh oh, that would be this Kat.)

1 comment:

Sister Jayne said...

haha funny Kat!