Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween Witches...and Warlocks

How old is too old to go out

My Answer:  
If you are asking yourself, 
"Am I too old?"
then yeah, 
probably best to wash your pillow case
and put it back on your bed.

and mine is a big 
if you are expecting to get candy out of this Kat…
make sure you wear a costume.

For any trick-or-treater posers out there…
a baseball cap isn't a costume.
I've seen goth teenagers walking around in 
broad daylight
who look more ready for Halloween.

Oh, and also say
when I answer the door.
Otherwise, you are just a cute little beggar. 

This, by far, is the perfect age for trick-or-treating...
except the smiley guy with the 5 o'clock shadow.


The past few years I've dressed to answer the door.
Not that I normally show up naked.

There was this Halloween...
when I dressed as a beauty pageant ‘Miss.’ 

I donned an ole bridesmaid gown, heels, a handmade sash 
and then 
smudged eye makeup and lipstick 
across my face.

My sash reads: “Miss Applied”.  
Get it? 
(The little goblins surely didn't get it, 
but their parents sorely did.)

I think PaulA was the Matrix that year.
His costume always starts off with his college graduation gown.
(His college graduation is paying off in spades.)
Over the years he's dressed as a, 
nun, priest, ninja, Dracula, Bono...
the possibilities are endless.

This year I will wear the costume that is 
my fury fall back....
the Kitty Kat.  

and litterly

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