Sunday, May 3, 2020

To-Do List

I love a 
To-do List. 
It keeps me 
-organized, so nothing falls through life's sidewalk cracks
-gives me a plan of attack, so I stay focused  
-makes things more manageable and less overwhelming...
so I don't 
make a mountain out of mole hill.
(-order mole traps from Amazon ASAP)

My To-do lists sometimes have mini-lists and midnite-lists.
I will wake at 3:11 am and form lists in my head...
which keeps me awake for hours…

trying to memorize lists. 
Now I keep a pen and paper by my bedside so I can 
unpack my thoughts…
declutter my brain into 
a manageable carry-on
and get some sleep. 
Plus a EUREKA moment for the best blog ever written 
can come at anytime. 
I’m ready... 
still waiting.

As we all know...
the best part of a To-do List is crossing items off.
So much so, that we will add something we've already done
just to cross it off.
Guilty as Listed.
Plus a long To-do list makes you look busy…
in case anyone has their eyes where they don’t belong...
on your list.

There is so much satisfaction gained from 
physically crossing something off a To-do List.
I think we are born with special 
Check-off endorphins✔
that travel through the body
tickling our 
'Who's more accomplished than me?" 


This shut-in existence we are living
greatly affects my To-do List. 

To-Do List 
has become my...
 What to-do List?
   -Wake up  (Oh, I’m awake…cool. I  can cross that off.)

  -Drink coffee (last drop gone…cross it off. getting lots done today)

-Eat something for breakfast

Write a bonkers blog

-Power walk or power through a walk

-Watch PaulA clean the garage

-Eat anything for lunch

-Watch PaulA trim the hedge

-Eat everything for dinner
Dinner time already?

There are a few things on my To-Do List 
that are so nasty and rotten
they forever remain on the list...
getting musty and moldy.

-Make a root canal appointment
-help PaulA do chores
-Stop entertaining the procrastination monkey
Anywho you lookin' at?

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