Monday, August 14, 2017

Out of Left Field

This blog post might look like it is coming out of 
left field, 
and it is..
yesterday was 
International Left-Handers Day.

I find it fun to watch a lefty. 
Everything they do looks awkward to someone who’s a righty...
mainly because we do everything right 
while they are left in the dark.

Sometimes, however, the lines get blurred…especially in politics. 
There are some us who are right-handed and right wing, 
and others who are left-handed and left wing…
but there are also some right wing people who are lefties, 
and some left wing people who are righties. 
And also those…who are left or right of center. 
I’m so confused. 
I have nothing left to say that is right on that subject.


They say lefties are intelligent 
and historically some of our more 
influential and successful people are left-handed. 
That would include Clinton, Ford, George H. W. Bush, Obama, 
Hendrix, Michelangelo, Oprah, and Babe Ruth. 
Add PaulA to that impressive list. 
Saying “lefties are intelligent”…
is a left-handed compliment...but not in the
"left-handed compliment" idiom way.

PaulA comes from a family of lefties, 
...his mother and 2 other brothers. 
3 out of 7 siblings are lefties and
4 out of 7 of them brush their teeth with CREST.

I’m a righty who married a lefty so throughout our marriage…
I have watched PaulA write with a …
left hook
eat and use scissors, (he doesn't eat with scissors)
tie his shoes and 
put cards in envelopes the wrong way.
The one thing he does the right way...
is play golf.

If I was left to my own devices…
I would make lefties conform and do things the right way…
but I also realize I should stop being so self-righteous, 
and accept that lefties (and PaulA)
have rights too. 

Right-handed Kat 

has finally left the building.