Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sticker Advocate for Adulting

As we know,


performing tasks such as 

paying bills, making dinner, insuring to insure, making budgets, maintaining your health and your car's health and knowing the difference between a

401(k) plan and a 2-4-1 happy hour plan, 

ain't always easy or fun.

Being a responsible adult and performing mundane tasks

is hard enough but to make matters worse...

it's done without validation or affirmation

and the lack of 

reward stickers.  

No one is giving Adults

 a sticker for something done right.  

We go through life doing these things without any credit.

Kids have it made…

they get stickers at school and 

some parents hand them out. 

Heck, there are lucky little tikes who get stickers for things like…

tying their shoes 


not pitching a fit to go to bed.

And then after collecting 10 or so stickers

they can turn them in for something like

….an iPad or xbox. 

Do they still have xbox….maybe it's a zbox by now.

Albeit, (love that word) 

reward stickers do have a way of bringing out good behavior.

After all, 

kids like stickers and free stuff…

but so do adults.  

Adults deserve stickers for their efforts too.

Nice job with the laundry Kat... here’s a sticker.

You braved the grocery store during a pandemic…here’s a sticker, PaulA.

You cleaned the guest bathroom 

and company wasn’t even coming’s a sticker, Kat.


Early voting is now taking place in Tennessee.  

I had been counting down the days until I could vote.  

I knew by hook 

or by looking like a masked crook,

I was gonna vote in person. 

Not just because I'm patriotic 

doing my civic duty as an American….

but heck y’all 

there’s a sticker involved.  

                                                           Full disclosure...Being a stickler for stickers I asked for two.

Move over kids,

it's about time adults got in on the sticker action. 

I'm proposing the

 The Sticker New Deal.

After collecting 10 stickers... 

you would receive a voucher ...

for maybe

 free coffee from Starbucks or DD’s 


4 hours of free babysitting*.

*this one's for you Chelsea

This Sticker New Deal would give adults extra incentive  

for Adulting 

and to be on their best behavior,

making this world a nicer place.

But alas,

 until I’m able to rule the world 

and implement The Sticker New Deal…

I will have to wait until another election to get another sticker.

Wait a minute....just remembered...

I could give blood.

The Red Cross gives out stickers. 

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