When it comes to Mashups...I am a fan of some....
like the blending of
Maroon 5 "Sugar" and Katy Perry's "Birthday" songs...
But when it comes to a turducken.
Not so much.
I'm sure by now, you are familiar with the turducken,
the triple threat of birds
turkey, duck and chicken ...
three birds in one.
I was introduced to the turducken 5 years ago.
Hello Turducken, it's me.
When I first heard about the Super bird,
I cried fowl.
On the outside, the turducken appears to be the usual
fowl weathered feathered friend
who is fattened up for our tryptophan coma.
However, on the inside, the turducken is a bird of a different feather.
Inside the turducken lurks 2 other birds
quacking and clucking to get out.
The sight of the triple bird spurred a triple response in me …
The de-boned chicken…stuffed into a
de-boned duck…stuffed into a
de-boned turkey…reminds me of those
Russian nesting dolls, in poultry form.
I wonder what wine goes best with turducken?
Although the turducken still doesn't fly
with me....
I am a fan of the newest frankenfood mashup...
the Piecaken...
pie stuffed inside cake.
The pie/cake combinations are endless.
What could be sweeter than that???
The sight of the layers of confection spurred a new triple response in me...
I actually think mashup works best
with most foods at Thanksgiving.
After I pile everything on my plate
the foods begin overlapping and
invading each other.
The mashed potatoes from the east start crowding out the defenseless peas to the north while the
bold squash out of the south
carefully creeps onto the unknowing stuffing from the west.
This was an "ew" when I was 10.
Let the Mashups Begin.
Happy Thanksgiving y'all.