Have you seen the movie “The Substance?”
PaulA and I rented it at home one night.
We randomly found it while playing
spin the Prime roulette wheel
landed on this…
wickedly, wacky, weird, but oddly worthy
commentary on getting older
and Hollywood's obsession with youth and female beauty.
It's definitely not your norm movie and
may not be your
cup of tea, coffee
or espresso.
The movie experience was conflicting for me.
You know,
when you kinda like something, but kinda turned off.
You’re enjoying it, but kinda disgusted.
You’re intrigued, but kinda can’t look.
You’re are grossed out, but kinda keep watching.
Kinda like me trying blue cheese for the first time…
The appearance is strange with blue-green veins of mold…
and the taste is weirdly earthy and funky,
but then,
I find myself smattering it on my salad.
Besides, what could be healthier than
a plate of greens and a sprinkle of penicillium?
"The Substance" contains some sci-fi parts that are
off the GROSS charts.
Then again, it is categorized as a horror/drama…
(not for the squeamish)
but again,
I kept watching.
There were many times I had to look away
or watch through my fingers to filter some of the disturbing parts.
Over the years,
I have come up with a tactic I use when
a movie gets really gross or disturbing.
I merely look away and
watch PaulA’s face as he watches the movie.
The contorted faces he makes as he watches
gives me a clue that the disgusting parts are still going on.
When I see his face resume to "normal PaulA"…
I know it is safe for me to look again.
There were definitely times during the movie that were so horrific…
that it had me wondering what
substance the writer was on when she wrote it?
Girl Scout Cookies?
So to get right to the sum and the substance of this review...
would I recommend this movie to someone else?
Could I? Should I?
If I do,
what does that say about me?
Will peeps think I’m as weird as some of the scenes in the movie?
After all,
I have an intelligence and 'normal person' quotient
I’m trying to maintain.
But alas,
this Kat is going way out on a limb with a rating….
I give it....
2 Kat paws and 1 meow.
2 Kats paws - a recommended watch
please don’t think I’m a weirdo.
Ps. Could someone help Kat down from the limb?