My laptop is OUT...
Out of commission.
I am posting this blog today
with the help of my iPad and
old clunker desktop.
old clunker desktop.
(A sufficient/proficient/iron deficient blogger should always
have a back-up plan.)
I guess they work in a pinch.
Pinch me now.
I know I'm only a blogger
and not a PC doctor...
but I'm guessing my Dell laptop was invaded by a
I'm not exactly sure how and when the virus entered my Dell.
was working one moment ...
firing on all processors...
firing on all processors...
and then the next moment,
it was flashing "crash" on a blue screen.
it was flashing "crash" on a blue screen.
And to think this occurred on
my birthday.
no wonder I feel old.
Happy Birthday to Me.
I have a
sneaking suspicion
a nasty bug,
a nasty bug,
created by an even nastier bug maker...
...and the darn thing isn't even an Apple.
prognosis wasn't good for dear Dell,
so I decided not to revive it.
Ten months ago I had given it a
third lease on life...
third lease on life...
I've coughed-up enough $$$ taking care of my ailing PC.
Not enough Band Aid fixes can keep it going.
So I have given my Dell
Not resuscitate"
I wish
I could catch the people spreading viruses to healthy PC's.
It would be poetic justice
if the perpetrators spreading these nasty germs
came down with a virus of their own.
came down with a virus of their own.
I would even feel vindicated...
if they came down with a bad case of bed bugs.
if they came down with a bad case of bed bugs.
These low-down perps should at least have trouble sleeping at night.
I have a couple of words for the perps
who generate viruses that create
byte it.
I'm off to buy a new laptop.
hmmmm.....On second thought...

1 comment:
Happy Birthday!!!
Buy a Macbook!
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