Saturday, December 12, 2020

Get Lit

                                           Don't cha love holiday decorations...

the lights, 
blow-up Santas?

This year in particular with the pandemic..
folks were into the holiday spirits 
extra early....
even before Thanksgiving ...
before the turkey was even born and basted.

People needed an extra shot of cheer 
in their cup of life...
so they got lit
early and often.

 Besides, if you ain't lit...
then it ain't Christmas.

Some neighbors are forced into decorating
especially when the festive someone, 
who is really into the holiday spirits,
lives next door ...
and putting you to shame.

So if you don't want to be 
or out-housed...
then you're forced to 
untangle last year's ball of lights, 
drink in the holiday spirits
and get lit.

We got lit the Saturday after Thanksgiving
and been into the 
holiday spirits ever since.


There are some who take holiday decorations to another level.
They can't stop the
surging urge 
to decorate...

Some folks will
decorate family pets

Charlie back in the holiDAY.
Love his white boots.


decorate their pet cars.

The ultimate holiday 
car decoration is the 

It sure gives meaning to the holiday song...
"Grandma got run over by a reindeer."

So let's....
spread some cheer,
lift some spirits
Get Lit.

Caution:  Look out for grandmas.
It could be me.

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