Friday, June 5, 2020

Happy Birthday Brianna

Sweet, Smart, Beautiful, Fun, Big-Hearted
Young Breezy 

is 29 years old today.

Ahhhh 29…the last of Brianna’s roaring 20’s celebrations...
down the hatch.

Having a birthday during a pandemic 
certainly puts a damper on a big celebration with friends
 so this year her birthday will definitely be quieter and more subdued.
No roaring 20s jazz hands…
but between Christian, PaulA and I…
we hope to have a hand in making it special for the ultimate party girl.

Bri has always been the utmost birthday planner.  
She became an "event planner" at age 5.  

She would start planning her big day after the countdown of the new year…
deciding on a theme and the honored guest list...
kinda like a Studio 54 list...
but no Sylvester Stalone or Farrah Fawcett...
just her cool peeps.

During Covid, people are always looking for ways 
to make birthdays fun and different….
but short of zoom greetings and drive-by parades….
it’s usually a few balloons short of a popping good time. 

But for Brianna, we've pulled out all the stops.
We've arranged a full moon.  
Not your run-of-the-mill full moon…
but a strawberry moon.
I know I make it look easy.

Love you to the Strawberry Moon and beyond, Brianna.


I can’t wait til we get back to the way we were…
BC (Before Covid)
celebrating bdays shoulder-to-shoulder…
6 inches apart, not 6 feet...
giving birthday hugs.

Zoom is great…
but it's hard wrapping your arms around a screen.
It isn’t quite the same.  
My laptop is not that cuddly.

During this time more than ever, 
we’ve come to appreciate what we have. 
We no longer need all the things we thought we needed. 
We can get by with less.
Less hoopla. Less pomp. Less circumstance.
And that shift allows us to focus on what’s really important.  
Faith. Family. Friends. 
And maybe a few Firecrackers…for a little bang. 

This evening PaulA and I will be staring at that 
strawberry moon over the water and 
remembering Bri 29 years ago 
when she came into the world…
making our family complete.

Remembering that special time in the hospital after she was born….
just us 3
Bri, PaulA and me...
graced with God’s masterpiece...
a cherub with a peaches and cream complexion.
Our first hours together...
a quiet time...
counting fingers and toes,
gazing into her beautiful face 
in awe and wonder 

falling completely and deeply in LOVE.

We are so happy to be with Brianna on her birthday.
It's all about LOVE.
Plain and Simple.
No frills.
A perfect pandemic birthday. 
Happy Birthday Brianna

1 comment:

Bri's Aunt Jayne said...

ahhh, so sweet Kat, made me cry!