Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Just Do It - Part 1

The Nike tagline…
Just Do It 
is a great slogan. 
It's a perfect rallying cry and words to live by.
And because the Nike shoe  fits…
I’m stepping back in time 
and reliving a memory...
a memory of a time when I should have gone ahead and 
Just Done it. 
You could call it a teaching experience 
or a 
learning experience.  
I’m not sure if I was the teacher or the student
but I was definitely taken to school. 


I'm remembering a time when the 
3 musketeers 
were taken to school...
to learn some
readin', ritin' and 'rithmetic
cuz they weren't gonna git any home schoolin' by this Kat.

On the way to the elementary school...
we would drive by a nursing home
where we could seen an elderly woman 
through the window 
sitting in her chair.

Each morning, 
we would look for her...
talk about her... 
and wonder about her.  
Then we would wave to her
She probably couldn’t see us waving, 
but we sure hoped she could.  
We even named her.  

"Her" became Helen.  
A name that was
sweet, classic…
and grandmotherly 
like we imagined she was.
Seeing Helen in the window, 
meant we were gonna have a good day. 

I envisioned us meeting Helen.
I remember saying out loud to myself and to my family…
One day soon we are going to the nursing home 
and ask to meet Helen..
the woman 
who brought a bright spot to our morning. 
Tell her how we looked forward to seeing her
and let her know
 just how special we thought she was.

But then life got in the way…
or so I let it...
sports, conferences, school projects, concerts…
you name it….there was always something.  
There is always something.

Then one morning, we didn’t see Helen.  
Maybe Helen was taking a shower?
but then that got to be…
a long shower. 
And then a very long shower.
After a couple of weeks…
we knew we weren’t going to be waving to Helen anymore. 

So whenever I think about this memory….
I always say to myself…
 why didn’t you
 just do it? 

if the shoe fits…
and there is something you’ve been thinking about doing,
don’t think about it anymore….
Just do it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a blogger aren't you Kathy, good stuff 👍