Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID19 Pandemic

This is an 
unusual time
in our lives.

The COVID19 Pandemic 

Even though the word pandemic contains the word panic…
I try to remind myself to
stay calm and not panic.
Panic brings chaos.
And apparently
chaos depletes our supply of t.p.

I also need to stop watching the TV.

It’s not helping my current mood.

The new normal…is NOT normal.
Social distancing and self isolation is NOT normal
T.P. hoarding is NOT normal.


Our world these days seems surreal.
It feels like we are actually living in a modern horror movie....
like the movie “A Quiet Place” 
which I was too frightened to go see when it came out.
At this point, why would I ever see it...
let alone see its sequel AQP2.
I am living it.

In this look alike modern horror movie…
the deadly predator threatens our daily life.
We can’t see the threat, 
but it's out there
waiting for us to make one wrong move....
one droplet from a cough or sneeze,
one virus touch to our face.

Impending doom hangs over us;
if we leave our house
the invisible predator could attack.

Should we decide to test our fate to gain necessary supplies
we ease out of our homes;
moving with extreme caution, 
scrutinizing everyone we walk by.

Just hearing a sneeze makes us take cover.
Before the coronavirus we used to say  “Bless you.”
Now we scream (in our minds)  “Must you?”

We move quickly and tread lightly 
through empty streets and quiet neighborhoods...
not wanting to be attacked by COVID19
and then we scurry back inside…to our safe place
before grabbing 
life saving supplies…
toilet paper…
toilet paper.

Our home is our safe haven…
until a spouse or child ends up with COVID 19 ….
and then we are all toast….
a tasty carbohydrate for the predator.

I'm not sure how the movie "A Quiet Place" ended 
but I'm sure hoping the COVID19  horror movie
has a good ending

As a distraction, 
we started watching Outlander on Netflix…
a show about time travel between 
18th century Scotland and 1945 England.

During this period of self isolation 
we will all learn things about ourselves…
what we value and
what we think is important.
I've learned to trust that we have the 
intelligence, strength and resolve to get through this
I've also learned 
I could have NEVER survived 18th Century Scotland.

They say to combat this virus
we should listen to the advice our mamas have always given us.
"Wash your hands…with soap."  
(Washing without soap is giving germs a drink.)

I don’t know about you, 
but I’m tired of washing my hands to the tune 
"Happy Birthday" 
especially twice.  
Both the song and I are getting old.

I have an idea for a hand washing song 
to replace "Happy Birthday."
It should remind us of 
how important it is to work together 
during this difficult time....

The Beatles Tune...
"Come Together"

"Come Together...
(albeit separately)
Right NOW

Over this"

sing this 4 times while you wash your hands
hopefully in a relatively short time
we will get through


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