Friday, January 14, 2011


I have said…and continue to say that it bothers me that I know the “doings” of Lindsay Lohan. There is no escaping Lindsay’s escapades. Now I have to add Snooki to the list.

Why in god's name do I have to know about Snooki? I've never sought her out. Never watched her show. Never had any interest what-so-ever! But yet, I know she is a troll of a young woman, with incredibly bad manners, on the television "Jersey Shore" and wears a bump in her hair called the Snooki pouf. Plus there was even talk of putting her in the ball drop at Times Square for New Years. Someone with half a brain lobe woke up and scrapped that scary idea.

I ask you...why would we ever need to start the New Year out snookified? It's one thing to be pie-eyed... but I draw the line at snookified.


As you can see from my hideous picture, I was snookified. But it was unintentional snookification. I plead snookification by default. Please God, don’t let me become Snooki.

Those who know me…know…I wear a clip in my hair. It’s a fashion statement that I’ve been making…for 20 years.

Anyway, while riding in the car for a couple of hours, I kept moving the hair clip on the back of my head…higher and I could lay my head back to take a snooze while my chauffeur drove home. Home PaulA James Home.

When I got in the house, I walked by a mirror and caught a glimpse of my Snooki bump...and fell over laughing. The strange thing is...I had been in a conversation with PaulA and he never even mentioned my new Snooki do. Tell me…what does that say about your relationship…when your husband hasn’t noticed that you’ve been snookified.

Okay, maybe men don’t notice everything…which can have its benefits...but a full out Snooki do???

Then to add insult to injury/salt to the wound/gum to the hair…I turned on the Today Show and saw Matt Lauer chatting with Snooki about her recently released novel about an out-spoken party girl. Wow…what a streeetch. I wonder if the main character in her novel gets in a petrie tub and drops F-bombs.

Snooki has had far longer than her 15 minutes of fame…she’s going on 2 years. Why couldn’t she just have been a case of Hair Today….Gone Tomorrow?


Frances said...

This is soooo funny! I am laughing out loud at work right now. I love it! Great post

I don't think the Snooki look looks bad on you!

Jayne said...

I laughed out loud!