Friday, October 1, 2010

Which Came First?

Which came first…the chicken or the egg? I’m sure you’ve thought about it....who hasn’t? The question has burned in the minds of many an intellect. As for this intellect...the dilemma has been a colossal enigma. (SAT word #145)

So what is your take? The chicken...or the egg? Come on...don’t chicken out, or be afraid of getting egg on your face...with a wrong answer.

For me, it’s a toss up…and who really cares right? Maybe you care more about the question: “Which came first...True Blood or Twilight?”

I’m going out on a wire now, but I’m going with the chicken as first. Not because of any scientific reason, but because I prefer chicken salad over egg salad. Egg salad tends to smell funny...especially after it’s been wrapped in Saran and left in a locker. Everyone has their own scrambled and fried logic.


It seems they have come up with an answer...which will lay the chicken/egg question to rest. “They” being the bloody scientists from England. They say they have scientific proof that the chicken came first. Apparently they have discovered a protein that is vital to eggshell formation inside the chicken.

I ask them, “Why find an answer? Isn’t it better that we keep this provocative question alive to stimulate intellectual conversation and debate? Do we really need a scientific explanation?” Before we know it... “they” will be coming up with scientific explanations for questions like “Why did the chicken cross the road?” And then where will we be?

I’ m sure the Brit scientists are good eggs...but they should be working on real problems.

I'm walking on eggshells as I ask this....but shouldn’t “they” be working on the more pertinent question: "Which came first...the salmonella chicken or the salmonella egg?"

Take a crack at that one...bloody scientists.

ps. October 1...rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.


  1. I think the egg came first because I have eggs for breakfast first thing in the AM and after that, I have chicken for dinner. Eggs first, chicken later... so easy.. but no one asked me.
